It's wedding season!! Lately, our mailbox has been stuffed with gorgeous bridal shower and lavish wedding invitations. On line I have searched for the perfect vase on Crate and Barrel, linens at Macy's and wine openers on Bed, Bath and Beyond. The measurements have been sent for my bridesmaid dress and I need to practice for a Spanish mass lectura. Oh, how I love weddings! Brides walking down the aisle with fathers and mothers having dances with grooms...tear.
Jose and I will be celebrating our 5 year wedding anniversary next month and this summer we kick off our wedding season with 6 couples who will be joining us in the oldest tradition known to mankind. Five out of the six weddings are Mexican weddings (with one half being Argentine) and you know what that means; mariachi, banda, bailes del dolar and lots and lots of Tequila! We will also be travelling to New Jersey in late August to attend an Indian wedding!! I hope to learn a few things about the traditional customs because right now I am picturing Bollywood dancing, sequins and lots of gold!!! (We all know that cannot be it). Nevertheless, weddings are all about uniting family and friends, eating, drinking, dancing and lots and lots of love.
Here are some pictures of a Japanese wedding we attended last fall and a wedding in Indonesia we attended 3 years ago.

Japanese wedding starting at Meiji Shrine. Most weddings still take place in Shinto shrines where brides wear the traditional white kimono and a head piece that hides the "horns of jealousy" from her mother-in-law.
A guest at the reception in her gorgeous Kimono.
Even pets are invited to weddings and must dress appropriately as well!
Before entering the reception, a table is set up to check guests off a list. This is where we presented our "goshugi" or money gift in a beautiful, purple cloth envelope to the designated attendants. Another table was set up at the end of the reception where the bride presented a gift of "sake" glasses, a serving platter, delicious bread, soaps and chocolates to every guest as a thank you. As you can see, I was very excited to receive the goody bag.

During the ceremony the officiant offered the couple rice and fruit from their pyramid of food. The rice and fruit represent wealth and prosperity.

All of us after the ceremony. Jose has never looked better! :-)

All of us after the ceremony. Jose has never looked better! :-)
Whatever the culture, customs and locations, it is truly an honor to be invited to a wedding and especially to participate. As my friends start to join us in the marriage club I wish them nothing but health, happiness and lots and lots of love.
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