What Comes after Babies?

The list: 1)Crush. 2)First kiss. 3)Boyfriend/Girlfriend. 4)Engagement. 5)Wedding. 6)Babies... 7)uh....7) hmmm? Babies and then what?
There is so much to look forward to when one is going through the rights of passage. I am sure everyone can remember their first crush and of course their first kiss. Boyfriends come and go and it was so much fun to date (well not all the time...). Engagements and weddings are documented by photographers and videographers and those events also come and go so fast. When the babies start coming...showers and gifts and sleeping through the night and first steps...but then what? Sure there is so much to look forward to when it comes to your child but what about your partner? The one that stood outside your door clutching a bouquet of flowers before taking you out on a date. The one that stood at the altar and brought your first baby to your lips. What happens when you accomplish items 1-6 on your list and you are only in your mid- thirties? What happens when there is no number 7 and no roll around in the sack anymore? (or not as often, at least!) And no tickles here and no tickles there? We are having this discussion in our early 30s? Why are we so tired? Why are we wearing the ugliest pj's at night, sitting on separate couches and going to bed at different times than our husbands? We need to spice it up.

My girlfriends and I just had a discussion on how tired we are at the end of the night and how guilty we feel. We agreed that men never seem to be tired when it comes to sex. Really, if you enticed them every single night, do some say no??? Not our guys!! It was also interesting that a couple of girlfriends who are single mentioned that we need to buck up (haha) and start treating our men a little better. I'm not an expert, but perhaps the excitement of "preying" on men when you are single makes the daily grind (I'm cracking myself up) seem much more enticing? Let me compare sex to food. When you go to a buffet, you pick a little here and a little there and "oooohh, there's some fried chicken I haven't had in a while so I'm going to devour that with some mashed potatoes!" And then there are situations where you have to cook everyday and it's cold pizza for the 3rd day in a row. See single ladies, you just get to pick from the vast variety and if tomorrow you need a little corn to go with that chicken and mashed potatoes, you are going to eat. The rest of us married ladies...we need to add some crushed pepper on that pizza.

Now that the single ladies understand the difference in eating (really...) we need to talk to the married ladies with the kids on how to spice it up again. Again, I am not an expert but I have heard and they say that communication is key. We need to talk to our partners in order to get into bed with them. Make it exciting again. But what should we talk about? This is what Jose and I do: once a week (or every two weeks if the budget is tight) we go out alone. We don't ever go to a movie or a bowling alley, we go have dinner and sit right in front of each other and talk. I nag. He talks about work. I nag. We drink. He talks about sports. I tell him about a book I'm reading. We talk about Diego. We drink. We drink some more. We eat. We talk about the people in the restaurant. We laugh. We gossip. We laugh some more.We walk home. We get home and then...well you get the picture. But it can't just be twice a month right? No it can't.
This is where it really gets hard (I really can't help myself). Ladies: bring out the lingerie during the week. Men: bring home that bottle of wine. Ladies: Plan a special dinner for the two when the baby is off to bed. Men: Help out around the house for Christ's sake! Women are not superhuman with extraordinary powers. Help her help you! Ladies: Ask him about his day. Try not to mention that your mother called and cousin Juanito got arrested again. Ladies: MAKE TIME FOR YOU and go and get a massage, a pedicure, feel feminine. And don't tell me you can't afford it cause all you have to do is make your own coffee for a week. Men: put the toilet seat down, trim those nose hairs and get a facial. Yes, facials for men are okay! And Men: please don't ignore your wife the whole evening and then start kissing her when 11pm rolls around.

Sacrifices. Forcing ourselves to do things we don't normally do or want to do. We force ourselves to do things for our kids, our parents, our sibling and friends. Why not our partners? As I stated before, I'm no expert and I really need to follow my own advice. Ever since we moved back to the States I can't seem to get myself out of the funk. I'm tired. Exhausted actually and my mood is so foul that Jose has to check it by calling before walking in the door. Usually it's a negative. When things are good...oh they are sooo good. So why not give it a go a little more often? Give yourself something to look forward to like number 7: Yummy love.
What other advice would you give to those who need a little kick?


Anonymous said...

That was GREAT!! I was smiling while reading. I am on step 5 and a half and I'm tired! Once I conquer stage 6 I am going to be exhausted! I'm a firm believer that you have to spice it up. I've been a bit lazy! Well here's to today!....I mean tonight! HAHA ;o

Marcela said...

I completely agree with you, and somehow glad I am not the only one that goes through and worries about this.

I guess you get so caught up with life around you and forget that best friend next to you that is there no matter what.
Thanks for the reminder! I have to run off to make that special dinner (:

Anonymous said...

I wish could join you when you had the conversation with your girlfriends!
I love your writings! You are great!! xxx

Anonymous said...

This is a never ending topic. I told with my freinds, coworkers, clients, etc and everyone one says the samething so why can we just follow the advice?

This blog is so true! I'm sure we can say that you are speaking for many, many, many couples.

Anonymous said...

My evening could be more complicated. Four days in a role I have no husband, no help, no desires. My nights could turn into big tornados, coming home late from kids activities eating a late quick meal and finishing up some left over homework, around 830 I'm rushing the girls like crazy for them to be ready for bed, after many screams its past 9 and they are finally in bad. By this time I have a screaming baby pulling on my shirt asking for his milk, exausted and frustrated that I still have mess in the kitchen, have to forget about it and lay with baby on my breast until he falls as sleep. By this time the little energy I had to clean the mess I left behind is gonne. I have mo shoulder to lay on other than my pillow and hoping that tomorrow will be a better day, that I will be a better mom a more active and organized women I go to bed. Over all after children things do change, but it only gets harder as they grow older and they demand more attention from you, and having no support in those four evenings it's very stressful, but at the end of the day I do this because I love my children so much and all I want for them is the best, I know that one day they are going to be great on whatever they do and know that's all I live for. And well for my husband when he is home I make myself available, he cares less in what I wear before I get to bed, the less clothes the better :)