This is the third time I have worked with a trainer. The first time was before my wedding 7 1/2 years ago. The second time was this past summer after a hard attempt to get back to my pre-baby #2 weight. Because I worked so hard this summer, I didn't want to just forget about my exercise routine while pregnant with baby #3 so I met with Jackie!
I'm going to lay it out here for you. I started at 133 pounds with her at week #7, I am currently 142! But check this out, my fat percentage went from 23.6 to 22.7 percent! My overall fitness is at 87.5% which qualifies as excellent! I am soooo happy and proud.
We have been focusing on weight training twice a week together and I'm supposed to do cardio two to three times a week for 30 minutes. Honestly, that just started happening. I would tell Jackie that I cleaned my house for cardio or that I carried Santi ALL DAY. It has been so hard to get to the gym with everything else I have to do around here! If it were not for Jackie, I wouldn't be able to make it at all. I keep hearing to make your gym time an appointment on your calendar, a date with yourself and make it important enough not to miss it. This is my new goal as I head into my third trimester. I am definitely going to need the energy and that natural adrenaline you get after an awesome work out.
I think that my mind is also in a better place. Maybe 50 percent more at peace than it was back in October! There are some days that I don't speak to an adult for about 12 hours!!! In September and October of last year I was so down because of our sixth move (this time to New Jersey) that the few times I saw Jackie, I had to hold it together and not cry.
I'm so lucky we clicked and the funny conversations we have twice a week while she kicks my butt is invigorating!
Stay tuned for more pics to come. Can't wait to show off my growing belly in the near future. And please check out Jackie's Facebook page and click on "like" if you do...
You go girl! Keep working it xox
Feminism is a collection of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women. In addition, feminism seeks to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment. It aims to understand the nature of gender inequality by examining women's social roles and lived experience; it has developed theories in a variety of disciplines in order to respond to issues such as the social construction of sex and gender. But that is not anywhere close to where you are. You are a strong, beautiful, intelligent Woman/Mother who has CHOSEN to raise her children and be a stay at home Mom. Feminism was born in a time when Women did not have a choice. It was also born in a time when "Women's" work was not considered work but a obligation and duty. At the end of the day, you are as exhausted as Jose. You put in the hours and the payoff, although does not come in any monetary form, is reflected in your beautiful children. It is a living that no salary can match. It is priceless. And when your children are older and off on their own adventures, you won't "return" to your work; as you have been working, as has Jose, but continue with your other craft. Whichever you might want that to be. ~Val~
First of all, I love the title!! I use that song as my warmup in my Zumba classes!! I worked out while I was pregnant with Daniela and hasn't stopped since. You feel so much better and you're doing both baby and yourself a good! If and when we get pregnant again, I plan on doing the same. Saludos! Bertha
First of all, you look fabulous. Second,my cardiologist said one of the best workouts one could do is to simply just walk. Keep that in mind if you are dreading the gym at times:)
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